Please do not come into church if you think you may have Covid symptoms.

Our regular online services and sermons continue, please download the Newsletter for full details. Download a guide to watching services and sermons on Facebook.

If you, or someone you know, would like a home visit (to receive Holy Communion for example), need to talk or ask for specific prayers, please do get in touch.

Our New Incumbent

The service of Induction and Installation of the Rev’d Patrick Mabhunu as Vicar of our Benefice will be on Wednesday 6th November at 7pm in St Andrew’s Church, Shrivenham. Everyone is welcome. The service will be followed by refreshments and a finger buffet.

A Message from Patrick

I received the news of my appointment as the next Vicar of the Shrivenham and Ashbury Benefice with great thrill and joy. My wife Priscilla, and the children all gave shouts of joy and happiness. We all sang in our hearts "To God be the glory, great things he hath done". Indeed “This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes”. Psalm 118 v23
I would like to thank the Lord Chancellor, Patron of our Benefice, the Bishop of Dorchester, and your Parish representatives on the appointment panel for trusting and believing in me to take over from Rev’d Fergusson.
I have been in the Benefice as Associate Vicar for nearly a year, but the news of this appointment brings me new excitement, new energy, and new vision for the Benefice.
I am thankful to all the people in this Benefice who have helped me and my family settle in comfortably and we are happy to be a part of the Church family here.
I promise to dedicate my time to diligently serving the Lord and the people of this Benefice. I pray for wisdom and strength to guide and lead the Benefice to greater worship and knowledge of the Lord as we continue together to mirror the hospitality of God.

Sunday 20th October

9:30am  Watchfield, St Thomas 


9:30am  Longcot, St Mary

Holy Communion

10:30am  Shrivenham, St Andrew

Morning Prayer

11:00am  Ashbury, St Mary. Also live on Facebook.

Holy Communion
Download the Order of ServiceBible readings and Look (Sunday sheet for children).

Tuesday 22nd October

9:00am  Morning Prayer. Live on Facebook.

Download the Order of Service and Bible readings.

Thursday 24th October

9:00am  Matins. Live on Facebook.

Download the Order of Service and Bible readings.

Friday 25th October

9:00am  Matins. Live on Facebook.

Download the Order of Service and Bible readings.

Saturday 25th October

2:00pm  Shrivenham, St Andrew

Wedding - Rachel Messenger and Gordon Ryan

Sunday 26th October

10:30am  Fernham, St John. Also live on Facebook.

Benefice Holy Communion with Choir
led by The Venerable David Tyler, Archdeacon of Dorchester
Download the Order of ServiceBible readings and Look (Sunday sheet for children).

Keeping up to date 

Please download our Newsletter or follow us on our Facebook page.

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